100 thousand people are calling on Ohio gov. to call off execution


A petition drive that was started by five men exonerated from Ohio’s death row culminated today with the delivery of 100 thousand signatures to the office of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, asking him to block the execution of Ron Phillips this Wednesday, July 26.

Ohioans to Stop Executions delivered the petitions, which were signed by a former prison warden, faith leaders, murder victims’ family members, corrections officials, and citizens. Two former state attorneys general have also called on the governor to postpone the execution, citing the fact that the recommendations of a bipartisan task force, which was formed after the botched execution of Dennis McGuire in 2014, have not been implemented.

You can add your voice to those calling on the governor to hold off on this execution by going to the Ohioans to Stop Executions website.

Time is running out!

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