Black History Month: Thurgood Marshall & Ida B. Wells remembered
Two civil rights heroes who never stopped fighting for the rights of the oppressed.
Two civil rights heroes who never stopped fighting for the rights of the oppressed.
For whatever reason – cost, racial disparity, wrongful conviction – five states are now looking at repealing and replacing the death penalty.
For the past year, Florida’s legislators have tried to come up with a constitutional death penalty, but still haven’t succeeded.
The man President Trump has nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court seems disturbingly similar to the justice whose seat he will take.
Judicial override, mental illness, and lethal injection were just a few of the issues states were grappling with in the last few weeks in their death penalty debates.
Shakeel Syed helped found a Muslim-Latino Collaborative as a defense against the racism of the new Administration.
“I’m no bleeding heart. I worked in Dade County Homicide for 16 of my 30 years on the job, and saw it all….”
Whatever your view of the current political scene, President Trump’s nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to replace Justice Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court
The verdict was not a surprise, but it did leave many wondering what would be achieved by executing a clearly disturbed young man.
California’s new lethal injection protocol was rejected by a state regulatory agency that cited several problems with the proposal.
The U.S. Supreme Court sent Florida’s death penalty scheme into turmoil with a ruling last January, and things have just gotten more complicated since.
From Denver, where the new district attorney says she will not pursue the death penalty in murder cases, to North Carolina, which just marked 10 years since its last execution, the death penalty and its viability is being debated throughout the country.
“Justice Thurgood Marshall was correct in 1972 when he predicted that if people were better informed about the death penalty, they would reject it. That
In his book, book, Six Amendments, U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens called for revising six of the amendments to the Constitution, including the
Death Penalty Focus has filed an amicus letter in support of a motion filed last month by death penalty lawyer and DPF board member Robert
“Anyone who claims to believe in the sanctity of life, truth, or justice cannot seriously defend the application of the death penalty in Pennsylvania,” Philadelphia
In Tennessee, the Tennessean reports Stephen West was executed by electric chair last night. He opted for electrocution over lethal injection, a choice available to
In his multi-part series, “We need to fix forensics. But how?” in the Washington Post, Radley Balko poses six questions to 14 experts who work
The “machinery of death” will shift into high gear in the next few months if the Department of Justice gets its way. On Monday, Attorney
Last month we reported on a case that may have enormous implications for the future of the death penalty in California. Death Penalty Focus has
The mass shootings last weekend have caused unimaginable pain and suffering. Dozens of people are dead. Hundreds of family members and friends are grieving. Entire