“I’ve never come across a case in America as outrageous as Kevin Cooper’s.”


“In 34 years at The New York Times, I’ve never come across a case in America as outrageous as Kevin Cooper’s.” That’s what NY Times reporter Nicholas Kristof wrote in his column today about Kevin Cooper and the stunning injustice of his case.

We’ve written a lot about the travesty of Cooper’s case – how he was sent to San Quentin’s death row 23 years ago for a crime he didn’t commit, and that 11 federal judges, the president of the ABA, and four CA law school deans have asked Gov. Jerry Brown to grant clemency.

Kristof’s column is an amazing piece of work – and an important reminder of how we have to keep fighting for Kevin because what is being done to him is so wrong. He lays out in detail how rampant the corruption in this case is, and how elected officials refuse to step up and do the right thing – allow new DNA testing.

Please read it and urge Gov. Brown to allow justice to finally be done here.

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