Son of murdered man pleads for mercy for the man who killed him


The son of the man whose life Christopher Young took 14 years ago has released a powerful video asking the State of Texas not to execute Chris this coming Tuesday. But in spite of his eloquence, and the compassion and forgiveness Mitesh Patel expresses, the TX Board of Pardons and Paroles rejected Chris Young’s clemency application by a vote of 6 to 0.

It’s hard to believe not one person on that board heard the plea of the son of the man whose life Chris took so many years ago. As his lawyers said today:

“We are devastated that the members of the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles failed to recognize what we know to be true: The man the State of Texas seeks to execute – our client, Christopher Anthony Young – is not the same reckless young man who took the life of Hasmukh Patel in San Antonio on November 21, 2004.

Killing Chris on July 17th will not benefit anyone: not his two daughters and other family members who love him; not Mitesh Patel, the son of Hasmukh, who does not want Chris to be executed; and not the adolescents desperately in need of his mentorship.

The members of the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles have ignored their moral imperative to consider all facets of this case – not just the crime but the way Chris Young has evolved over the last 12 years of his life on death row.

Since his conviction, Chris has educated himself, become grounded in his religion, actively parented his daughters, and mentored troubled young people beyond the prison walls. He is deeply remorseful for killing Mr. Patel, and he would like the opportunity to express his sorrow in person to Mitesh Patel.  The Board’s rejection of clemency instead offers retribution, not restorative justice.”

See Mitesh Patel’s message here:

Chris’s case is a classic example of redemption. And, as his lawyers point out: “Earlier this year, the Board unanimously recommended clemency for Thomas Whitaker, a white man convicted of masterminding the murders of his mother and brother.  His father, Kent, was also shot in the ambush but survived and forgave his son, pleading for his life. Chris Young is African-American.”

Young’s attorneys will ask Governor Abbott to use his authority to grant a one-time 30-day stay of execution so that Chris and Mitesh Patel have an opportunity to meet.

Please contact Gov. Greg Abbott to urge him to grant a 30-day reprieve to Chris Young so he and Mitesh Patel can meet in person. Call 1-888-382-2415 or email him.

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