“There are many good, even honorable reasons, to spare Mr. Morva’s life.”


“If, from the tangled morass surrounding the death penalty generally, and Morva’s case, specifically — Governor McAuliffe is to emerge from his life or death decision a standard-bearer of modern-day democratic values — a truly viable candidate for Commander-in-Chief in 2020 (and beyond) — there is only one action he can take, that he must take: McAuliffe must spare Mr. Morva.”

That’s the stance the LA Post Examiner just took regarding the tragic case of William Morva, a mentally ill man who is scheduled to be executed by the Commonwealth of Virginia this Thursday, July 6.

William Morva suffers from a psychotic disorder which causes him to suffer severe delusions. There is treatment for his disease, but he has never received any. His attorneys are asking Gov. Terry McAuliffe to commute his death sentence to life without parole — to grant a mentally ill man, who committed two horrible crimes under the delusion that he was saving himself, mercy.

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